Happy New Year Healthy Bears! Small changes can make a big impact. When positive changes bring immediate enhancement to your life, they are likely to stick. So here are 3 simple ideas to help you step into the new year with some fantastic upgrades!
- What is something we all have in common? Â We all sleep! Â Make this year a year of better sleep. Get out there and splurge on some new soft sheets, a fluffy down comforter, a luxe pillow. Invest in the practice of sleep like your life depends on it, because it does! Quality sleep can lead to reduced stress, weight loss and brain performance. During sleep, the processes of repair are in full swing. Â Limit screen time, alcohol, caffeine and sugar prior to bed time. Do some research and learn more about sleep- this will give you empowerment to take control over this huge part of your life. Improve your sleep and improve your life.
Upgrade your bedroom and upgrade your sleep - How shall we avoid making poor food choices? Prepping! Pick up some new glass containers and commit to meal prepping this year. Pick one day a week to you set yourself up for success by arranging meals for the days head. If you have like-minded friends, consider joining a meal prep swap to avoid food boredom. When we are tired and hungry and have few options, bad decisions are likely to follow. Nothing is easier than popping something delicious in the microwave- so to avoid poor eating habits this year, prep in advance. Obviously, be sure you have plenty of  Health Bear Protein Oatmeal in the pantry so breakfast is covered.
Meal Prep for the Win! - Are you burned out at the thought of making another commitment to exercise this new year? Breathe some new life into your workout by making a choice to exercise al fresco. The best BOGO you can ask for: Your blood will be pumping and, Bonus: you get a pop of high vibrations when you indulge your senses in the goodness of nature. Hop online to find a new trail near by, swim in a lake or the ocean, ride your bike in a scenic location. Re-start your workout routine with an outdoor adventure and allow your mind to wander and ponder the greatness of our world. Health Bear wishes your a happy and healthy 2024! I
Get outside and get moving!
If you are interested in receiving a FREE cup of Protein Oatmeal and a chance to have your opinion heard, shoot us an email below and we will get you set up. Just be sure to give us your mailing address and let us know you are interested in our short, 3 minute survey and we will take it from there.
OR, if you already have Health Bear in the pantry, whip up a cup and take our survey . Let us know you are done by sending us an email with your mailing address and we will send you a gift.