CBD and Hemp Summit
Clearing the Linguistic Confusion Around the Hot Hot Hot world of Hemp
Hemp. CBD. THC. Cannabinoid…. Oh My! What is this whole new language!?
I continue to search out information for my readers to further enhance their knowledge behind healthful ingredients that can bring greater wellness to their lives. This time, my quest took me to the Natural Foods Expo East in Baltimore, Maryland.
While attending the ‘Hemp and CBD Summit’ at the Natural Foods Expo, I learned a lot about this contemporary subject matter. While professionals took the stage to create awareness around the modern world of cannabis, scientists, farmers, lawyers, educators and doctors shared their knowledge on the incredible health benefits surrounding this ancient plant.
The top take-away I got from the summit was simply learning the basics of cannabis vocabulary. This fundamental knowledge will help you understand what all of the buzz is about.
Agricultural Hemp: Agricultural Hemp is part of the cannabis plant family. And by definition contains less than 0.3% THC. It must be registered, inspected and certified by the Respective state program in which it is grown and harvested. (Cannabis plants with higher amounts of THC are classified as marijuana).
CBD: CBD is the abbreviation for Cannabidiol, one of many cannabinoids found predominantly in hemp. CBD is non-psychoactive (does not make you ‘high’). It is considered to be very safe and beneficial.
Cannabinoids: Cannabinoids are a diverse class of chemical compounds that occur naturally in the body (endocannabinoids) and in several plants, including cannabis. In contrast, phytocannabinoids are the primary chemical compounds found in all cannabis plants.
Cannabis: Properly known as cannabis sativa, cannabis is the ‘parent’ plant of both marijuana and agricultural hemp, which are two very different plants cultivated and utilized in very different ways.
Efficacy: In terms of products, efficacy means that a product has the ability to produce its intended effect. For example, dish soap is efficacious if it cleans dishes well.
Endocannabinoid System, (ECS).: The ECS is a biological system that helps regulate homeostasis (balance) in the body. It is composed of endocannabinoids (cannabinoids natural produced in the body), enzymes and cannabinoid receptors (primarily CB1 and CB2) found on cells in the central and peripheral nervous systems and immune system.
Full Spectrum: True full-spectrum hemp oil is made with the whole hemp plant (Nota CBD isolate or concentrate) and contains high levels of both. Cannabinoids and other beneficial phytonutrients, including terpens (beta-caryopyllene, humulene and limonene) flavonoids, polyphenols and others. In contrast, “broad-spectrum” hemp oil is primarily a CBD isolate or concentrate with very small amounts of the other phytonutrients.
TCH is the abbreviation for Tetrahydocannabinol, a psychoactive cannabinoid (one that gets you ‘high’) found predominantly in marijuana.
OK friends… this is a lot to absorb. I believe many of these words, if not all of them will become main stream in the near future and you will be smug to know you were one the first to have the knowledge. Well done my friend! Share this with another cool and hip change maker like yourself. Understanding the language is the first step in truly understanding this emerging category.