As we celebrate Earth Day, Health Bear Food Co. wants to remind you of the ways we can each make a difference by taking a moment to recycle and teaching others in our lives to do the same. Health Bear’s mission is to make the world a more sustainable and equitable planet for all living things through plant based food. That is why we have brought on Mike Acker, Sustainability Advisor to Health Bear to help the company make good, earth friendly choices.
Here are 4 household recycling tips from our Sustainability Coordinator, Mike Acker to help you make a positive impact on our planet, and have some fun at the same time!
1 . Know your city’s recycling rules!
Take a minute to post the guide from your city’s recycling service so that your family knows what can and cannot be recycled. Many, like San Diego, allow for materials (glass, metal, rigid plastic, paper & cardboard) to be mixed while others require some sorting. It’s important to avoid recycling items such as plastic bags, plastic straws, styrofoam, and food-contaminated items, as they can contaminate the recycling stream and hinder the recycling process.
2. Set Up a Home Recycling Station.
Creating a designated recycling station at home can make recycling more fun and convenient. If your city does not allow mixed recycling, set up bins or containers labeled for different types of recyclables, such as paper & cardboard, plastic, glass, and metal, in a central location in your home. Educate your family members about the importance of recycling and the items that can be recycled, and make it a habit to properly sort and dispose of recyclables in the designated bins.
3. Practice Proper Recycling Preparation:
Paper products must be free of food waste, pet waste, oil or excessive dirt. If your pizza box is greasy inside, for example, you can still recycle the top of the box. Rinse out containers to remove any food residue, and remove caps and lids, as they are often made from different materials that may not be recyclable. Flatten cardboard boxes to save space If you bag up your recycling, don’t make the mistake of using a non-recyclable plastic bag that will clog the sorting machine!
4. Reduce, Reuse, and Repurpose:
Recycling is just one part of reducing waste. Before tossing items into the recycling bin, consider if they can be reused or repurposed. For example, your Health Bear cups can be used to plant and grow an herb garden, your glass jars can be used for storage, your old t-shirts can be turned into rags.