Want a Bootie that says POW?
Are you on the hunt for the latest techniques to enhance your fitness journey? Welcome, Health Bear’s Fit Squad! Our newest member, Sam Abrams is personal trainer to Silicon Valley’s movers and shakers. He is sharing his knowledge with you to help you elevate your routine to the next level.

Want a bootie that says POW? Sam, what is your top trick to build a gorgeous bootie?
“Adduction means bringing a limb toward the midline of the body. This joint action occurs every time we take a step, walk up a flight of stairs, or get up off the floor. Adduction exercises can help us do all of these things. It’s not talked about very much, but adduction is also essential to the use of our glutes. Everyone wants to do abduction exercises, which draw the leg away from the midline, for their glutes, but if the body can’t adduct, it can’t use it’s abductors. This is because muscles like to lengthen before they contract. When we adduct (draw the leg toward the midline), the abductors (muscles that draw the leg away from the midline) are stretched and then, like a rubber band that has been stretched, the adductors want to contract hard to return to their normal length. If the abductors can’t stretch, they can’t really work well. For example if all we do is abduction exercises like band walks and the abduction machine, we might actually limit our ability to train our glutes”.
What is a good adduction exercise?

What types of muscle do adduction exercises work?

Interested in decreasing stress in the home? Check out this awesome article with more self-care tips, https://www.architecturaldigest.com/reviews/home-improvement/how-to-destress-your-home